Clients, Case Studies and Testimonials

Over the last two decades our Coaches have worked with over 5,200 different businesses so it shouldn't surprise you to discover that our Clients come from all sectors within the Business and Corporate world, ranging from start-up entrepreneurs, to large corporates and Public Sector organisations.

We have provided a sample list of our clients to demonstrate their diversity within the Coaching Clients page of the website.

Read some of our Case Studies

Example Case Studies

We've picked out three example case studies with BT, National Express and Royal Mail,  to demonstrate different ways Notion work with our clients.

BT Case Study 

Notion started working with BT in the wake of a period of significant change and controversy for the telecommunications company. During this difficult period, the company had faced challenges that had left them a little battle worn but ready for change. Our challenge was to help BT restore their brand advocacy and improve employee confidence by helping them to modify the behaviours of their internal communications team. Karen Terry Weymouth provided a short video case study as part of a presentation at the HRD Conference at the NIA in Birmingham.

“Attending the course has been a thought provoking, and overall awesome experience. It will have a positive impact on almost all aspects of my role - and will come into play in every discussion I have moving forward, with my key stakeholders and senior leaders"


Watch a short case study by Karen Terry Weymouth, from BT, about the positive impact a Notion programme had on management capability during a time of major change

National Express Case Study

Notion designed a 3-phase programme to up-skill management capability at National Express. The programme started with a highly strategic leadership programme for the Board. This was redesigned for senior leaders and then further developed to land with first line managers. In addition to the many benefits, a financial programme ROI of 5 times the programme investment was captured during the early reports and further benefits continued for years including capturing measurable improvements in heath and safety records for those who had been on a Notion course and the ability to roll out other change programmes with greater speed and success.

“This is certainly one of the most useful pieces of training I have undertaken in the last 20 years. It is the single piece of training most likely to have an impact on the performance of me and my teams”

“My manager told me that this course would change me in a positive way. She was right. It has left me with a renewed sense of confidence. I now have the coaching tools that will help me become a better manager. The real winners will be my team and the customers of National Express.”


Royal Mail Case Study

In order to support one of the largest change programmes in UK history the Royal Mail wanted to move away from their Command and Control culture and move towards a more coaching style of management. This was to support the widespread adoption of new working practices, structures and organisational change.

Notion were invited to work with the Royal Mail to help implement coaching as a management style, and delivered a range of coaching programmes. There were 4-phases of activity. 

Phase 1 was to work with the leadership teams to get them role modelling key behaviours and supporting the broader cultural change. 

Phase 2 was to develop deeper skills and abilities with key nodal managers who could support the change across the regions.

Phase 3 was to work with the Delivery managers who were operating under pressure and having to put the changes into practise within the delivery environment.

In addition Notion run an on-going Executive Coaching programme for members of the senior leadership team in the Logistics division, this was phase 4.

Over 10x ROI was reported for this programme including: “Many small and large operational efficiencies have been realised with estimated +£2m savings.“ “I have used coaching to increase productivity across the plant.” “Indirect benefits .... has improved moral and confidence of team members.” "Reduction in operational cost, delivering 11% YOY improvement. Safety improvement in None Absence accidents."

"Notion’s knowledge and level of professionalism is outstanding. They design and deliver products to an exceptionally high standard. The emphasis they place on ROI means they have provided solutions that are effective, business focused and measurable. They have been fantastic to work with." 

Ruth Stern, Learning & Development, Royal Mail

Something to think about

“Coaching takes a holistic view of the individual: work, corporate values, personal needs and career development are made to work in synergy, not against one another.”
British Journal of Administrative Management

“A study featured in Public Personnel Management Journal reports that managers (31) that underwent a managerial training program showed an increased productivity of 22.4%. However, a second group was provided coaching following the training process and their productivity increased by 88%. Research does demonstrate that one-on-one coaching is of value.”
F. Turner, Ph.D.