Operational Coaching® Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it please see below our Operational Coaching® testimonials. Please browse the selection below to get a flavour of the real benefits you would get from working with our coaches.

“Without a doubt this has been the most useful training course I’ve been on: I cannot wait to put into practice some of the many ‘Aha’ moments I experienced. Even more so I can’t wait to get my team to experience some of these too!”

“Unique content that explores beneath the surface of coaching and offers great functional tools that deconstruct each concept making it easy to absorb, process and practice"


“Bob presented a wonderful insight into being a better coach. My learning experience will not only help me as a business leader but will also help to inspire my team to greater success”


“Bob is a fantastic and engaging coach. It is clear that he is an expert at what he does and has no doubt made a huge impact through this course within our company. The session was fantastic. Thank you Bob”


“My manager told me that this course would change me in a positive way. She was right. It has left me with a renewed sense of confidence. I now have the coaching tools that will help me become a better manager. The real winners will be my team and the customers of National Express.”

“I honestly felt after the first day empowered as a person and a manager. Not only has Bob opened my eyes as a human being, but also as a team player/manager/leader. Replace Jeremy Kyle with Bob and the world will be a beautiful place!”

“This is certainly one of the most useful pieces of training I have undertaken in the last 20 years. It is the single piece of training most likely to have an impact on the performance of me and my teams”

“The course was helpful as it gives you all different views on problems you are made to deal with. Sometimes you don’t realise there is a way to get on with your job without being frustrated or unmotivated. The course gives insight of your personality and points we should focus on as we should all take examples from each other”

“I have been a manager for a number of years and thought I had been on every coaching & management course ever designed. This course was different in that it utilised some things I knew and some things I didn’t know, however it applied it in a completely different way that I would normally have experienced. It was also regularly punctuated with exercises that really demonstrated how the theory works. I can imagine how using this method could really end up saving me a lot of time in my working day.”

“The experiential learning has really enhanced my development & understanding of coaching. Fantastic course allowing me to test out various tools and techniques in a safe environment” 

Head of HR, NFU

"The course is extremely insightful and will definitely be beneficial to our organisation. It has also impacted me on a personal note which I will carry with me throughout my life. The facilitators knowledge of the subject is excellent. Presentation was awesome!”

“Excellent programme! Martin is a fantastic Coach and such an inspiration. He is so knowledgeable and funny, he engrossed each of us and it was thoroughly enjoyable. A lot was learnt and will definitely benefit us all in the organisation. Thank you, Martin.”


“The course has come in at the right time in my career at Scott Bader. It is an immediate realisation that things can be done differently and that there is always a way forward.”


“The fact that the scepticism was overcome and that people said it had been their best training session for years speaks for itself. Encouraging start on our coaching journey.”


“I came into the course not knowing what I was letting myself in for and somewhat apprehensive. I learnt that what I thought was coaching was actually mentoring. The outcome was a good surprise and very positive with excellent practice opportunities.”


"The value was immediate after the first day and it seemed universally to grow and blossom by the 2nd day. Great course I’m excited to try to use it in a real-life situation.”


“The course inspired me to look at different methods to help make my team perform at a higher level. It will also help align the company to its strategic intent and develop a coaching culture.”


“Attending the course has been a thought provoking, and overall awesome experience. It will have a positive impact on almost all aspects of my role - and will come into play in every discussion I have moving forward, with my key stakeholders and senior leaders"

"The two days are crammed with information, research, discussion, and practice - and although it’s a huge amount to take in, Martin delivers it in a inclusive, interactive, and fun way which feels very natural and informal. If you’re serious about adding more value to your organisation, and want to use tried and tested techniques to help to influence your key stakeholders to achieve better outcomes. This is the course for you.”

“The 2 workbooks, one for each day, provided excellent information to complement the programme. The facilitator had a high level of energy and enthusiasm which was maintained throughout.”

“I did not think I would leave a training session feeling so positive & wanting to get stuck in!”


“Every manager should attend this course! You’ll learn skills for life and there is something new for everyone.”

“This was a really useful course which although covered a vast amount of ideas and materials, was delivered in a fun, interactive and engaging way. The subject of Coaching can be quite daunting however I now have the confidence to take it forward and practise more and more! Thank you!”

“Great course I really learnt a lot that is properly applicable to my work on a daily basis. The delivery was flexible and reflected the experience level of the people in the room which was amazing.”

"KPI results improved significantly in my store where I was Deputy Manager, most noticeably around Customer Service and Colleague Engagement. I was promoted this year to Store Manager as a result. In fact my Regional Manager now see's coaching and engagement as my significant strength! Thank you Notion!"

“This has been the most rewarding course that I have ever attended since I joined the company. Very useful!”


“I believed I understood what made a good coach before I arrived, but after 2 days of great teamwork, useful tools & models, self reflection & putting everything into practice, I know now I was wrong! This was a great learning experience, from pre-course work through to the 2 days & then follow ups to check in. Thank you for all the support!”


“A fantastic way to add structure to coaching conversations i’m having day in & day out. I’m excited by the magic that I now know, powerful coaching can elicit in colleagues behaviour.”


“The course has given me some great tools to take back into my role, both in framework and a change in mind-set as to how I wish to approach my role as a leader going forwards. The materials I am taking away will be a great tool to use to support me in making changes.”