University Of Exeter set to create STAR® Managers in an ‘Out Of This World’ Partnership with Notion

University Of Exeter set to create STAR® Managers in an ‘Out Of This World’ Partnership with Notion

Setting the pace for new management standards in academia, the University of Exeter is the first University to launch Notion’s STAR® Manager.

Celebrate Your Own Business Oscar Night!

Oscar Night is upon us, and the best actors and actresses in the international film industry will be awarded for their achievements for the year just gone.

Sixty Minutes of Business Exercise Will Improve Your Financial Health

An average class at the gym, the train from London to Brighton and an episode of BBC’s Question Time all take sixty minutes. An exciting new business initiative was launched today that guarantees an improved bottom line for CEOs, Business Owners and Managing Directors that takes just sixty minutes, once a week.

Innovative CPD for Coaches by Coaches will be launching their innovative CPD for Coaches programme at HRD 2010

Unleash the Rockstar in you HR at HRD 2010

Many businesses have Rock Star pedigree within their four walls but just don’t know it. The UK’s leading business coaching firm, is at HRD 2010 to prove business coaching is the ultimate professional development tool capable of helping HR professionals unearth mass star potential throughout an organisation.

Who Says that Love and Business Can't Mix?

As Valentines Day looms, there are many couples out there that rue the day they decided to go into business with their loved one or found love in the workplace.