Established Medium Size Organisations - Property Development

Laura Ashley-Timms worked with a large property development company who had identified a talented individual who they believed had significant potential. The MD was frustrated that the individual was not as motivated as they had been in the past and had lost a degree of confidence.

We worked 1-2-1 with this executive to understand the underlying reasons for her change in performance. She was basically frustrated at not being taken seriously, felt undermined in a male dominated environment and had a range of limiting beliefs that held her back.

We worked on specific areas of confidence building, self-esteem, man management, presentation skills and identified her true goals. She wanted to be awarded a Board Position. Finally accepting that her MD wasn’t psychic (and clearly believing in her enough to invest in our coaching programme) she clarified this goal and sought to speak with her MD to establish what she would need to demonstrate to achieve this significant promotion.

With a renewed level of motivation and direct communication with the MD we established a clear action plan to achieve a Directorship. Our Client was invited onto the Board within 6 months.

After a 6-month gap we worked together again, this time with the mind set of learning to become a “Great Board Member” and growing the areas of the Business she had direct accountability for. This was coupled with some other personal goals. By the end of the second 6-month period of 1-2-1 coaching our client was promoted again, to Managing Director of Asia, surpassing both her goals and timescales and becoming a direct peer to her original sponsor.