Small Business - Recruitment Company
Laura worked with the joint MD of a small city based recruitment and training company who was looking to structure and grow his business at a fast rate to allow him to take a less hands on role and in doing so establish other new businesses.
His first task was to get his partner to buy into his vision, so that there was no conflict to our client working on his other goals at the same time as growing his primary business. This was achieved with focus on communication skills, role-play and taking time to understand and meet his partners needs. The win for our client was the ability to almost immediately agree a 4-day week in London to allow him a day a week to work on other projects.
Over the year we worked together our client grew his primary business, brought in a team of recruitment professionals, developed great customer relationships, added loyalty schemes and a host of other marketing techniques. In addition he set up a property development company and another internet business which went a long way to meeting his core personal goals.
Two years later, following some “maintenance” business coaching sessions he no longer needs to spend any time in the London office and has set up another specialist company closer to home with massive benefits to his work life balance.