Diversity Coaching

Our experience working with talented Women has lead us to make frequent commentary concerning the need to differentiate the support that women receive as they develop their outstanding careers, to enable and facilitate them to contribute their talents at the highest level to their sponsoring organisations.
Yet many organisations have failed woefully to recognise this, despite repeated research that shows that businesses that take this development issue seriously (and go on to promote women onto their boards) simply outperform their competition.
We are probably already working with those organisations that have recognised the need.
Coaching for Diversity – Supporting Talented Female Executives
As a motivated and talented woman working in an organisation, it’s difficult enough making headway without the additional concerns of maintaining your career momentum should you choose to have a family. Yet, we see examples of successful women who seem to have achieved that balance between building their seniority and contribution to their organisations whilst still retaining their femininity and perhaps also managing the demands of a family.
"Laura Ashley-Timms has given me the confidence to know that I can make the right decisions for my business and build on my success! Thank you."
Denise Penn, MDX-Squared LondonHow have they managed to do that?
Well the truth is that there are very few ‘self-made’ successes nowadays, and for the most part, anyone going on to enjoy a level of success within their careers will attest to the support that they have had along the way. It’s likely for example, that many of the more senior men in your organisation probably already enjoy the support of an Executive Coach or a Mentor to help them focus on their performance.
"I found Carol's coaching style tremendously helpful to build confidence and to make important decisions in an effective and sustainable way."
Lisa Sangster, Asset Manager, HDG Mansur InvestmentShould there be any less support for the talented women within the organisation?
Training courses can achieve only so much as they tend to offer only a ‘one size fits all’ perspective for aspiring managers - but what about the challenges and considerations that any woman seeking promotion must take into account when planning their careers?
Diversity Coaching (or Executive Coaching for Talented Women as we prefer to call it) can help you to define a strong vision of what it is that you want to achieve and then map out with you the very real plan of action to get there. With the support of your Coach, it becomes possible to build a new personal operating model and to identify the support infrastructure that you will need to build around yourself, especially relevant if you plan to have a family and also want to continue to enjoy your career.
"Today I go away excited and ready to embrace both the coaching and learning. Training delivered by outstanding and energised trainers. This training is different from anything I have ever been privileged to be part of"
Christine Hollingshead, Reading Borough CouncilTogether with your Coach you could:
- Develop a compelling vision for your future
- Learn more about what motivates you
- Take charge of your career development
- Identify skills gaps and actions to strengthen
- Improve your communication skills
- Develop influencing skills within the workplace
- Develop your ‘leadership style’
- Learn to overcome obstacles blocking your path
- Learn to deal with difficult or uncommunicative individuals
- Develop strategies to accelerate your promotion
- Identify strategies to develop your ‘support infrastructure’
- Develop and implement a ‘Countdown plan’ for Maternity Leave
- Understand your values and how these are met
- Prepare for and manage your return to work
- Develop your personal ‘PR’ plan
Call us on 01926 889885 or email us now - we'd love the opportunity to learn more about what you are trying to achieve and to see if we can help you in any way.