Infographic - How to Ditch your Executive Coaching To-Do List
Is choosing and managing executive coaching in your organisation taking more time than you expected? Check out this executive coaching to-do list and find out how you can cross everything off your list right now.
Infographic - Discover 5 Reasons to Say 'Yes'... and Accelerate Your Career!
If you want to accelerate your career and lead with confidence then read this quick infographic and discover an easy way to achieve your goals.
Infographic - Have you got Executive Presence?
Is your lack of executive presence holding you back from being an excellent leader?
Read the infographic to find out the three major factors that contribute to your executive presence and learn how you can build fast rapport and have a positive impact every time. Don’t forget to try the quick exercise for an instant boost!
Infographic - 7 Qualities all Change Leaders Need
Do you have the qualities needed to successfully lead through change?
Take a look at our infographic to find out how many of these qualities you possess and what you can do to build the skills you need.
Are You Biased About Your Unconscious Bias Training?
Despite the headlines claiming that Unconscious Bias training just isn’t working, many organisations won’t want to admit that one of their key strategies to improve diversity and inclusion is failing.
Not your company, surely?
How far have you gone to create a diverse and inclusive culture and, if you haven’t gone far enough, what can you do now to make a difference?
How to Improve Executive Presence and Gravitas
Did you know that according to a study by the Center for Talent Innovation, executive presence accounts for approximately a quarter of what it takes to get promoted?Is your executive presence and gravitas preventing you from getting ahead?
Read the article to find out what you can do to improve your executive presence and gravitas.
10 Reasons Why You Should Join A Notion Coaching Programme... In Under 3 Minutes
Time starved? Too busy to find out more about what our brilliant programmes can do for you? Not anymore. It takes less than 3 minutes to find out 10 reasons why you should join a Notion Coaching programme.Infographic - 7 Warning Signs to Watch Out for When Hiring an Executive Coach
Make sure your Executive Coach makes the grade by watching out for these 7 warning signs.
Can you really afford to get it wrong?
How to be Awesome in a Crisis
Being in a perpetual state of crisis is the ‘new normal’ that we’re going to have to get used to.
So isn’t it time you figured out how you can perform brilliantly and be awesome in any situation?
Don’t let the crisis get the better of you; be awesome!
Infographic - What do you need to fix to support your Internal Coaches?
Our global survey on CPD & Supervision revealed the current state of play in organisations across the globe.
Check out the data from 300 participants and see how you compare.
Is Your Company Culture Undermining Your Wellbeing Programme
Read our latest article and take the quiz, to find out if your company culture is undermining your wellbeing and what you can do about it.
Infographic - 21 Ways to Boost Performance in 2021
Don’t settle for sluggish performance in 2021.
We’ve created an infographic for you with 21 ways to boost your performance.
How many are you already doing?
How to Master the Martial Art of Communication
Our global survey on CPD & Supervision revealed the current state of play in organisations across the globe.
Check out the data from 300 participants and see how you compare.
Goodbye 2020 and Hello 2021 - 7 Insights to Kickstart your Year
It’s time to put 2020 behind us and get ready for an awesome 2021.
Could 2021 be your opportunity for transformation?
Here’s 7 insights that will help you kickstart your year.
Supervision Infographic - What's the State of Play?
Our global survey on CPD & Supervision revealed the current state of play in organisations across the globe.
Check out the data from 300 participants and see how you compare.
WOW! This Will Make You Smile...
At the moment, more than ever, we need things to put a smile on our faces and help us to keep going through these unprecedented times.
I dare you to watch this 20-second video and not raise a smile or a chuckle!
How to Measure the ROI from Coaching
We recently delivered an extremely well-attended webinar: Ask Laura - Everything you'd like to know about Executive Coaching.
One of the questions we were asked was 'How do you measure the ROI of Coaching?'... this is one of our biggest bugbears as so many companies just don't measure the results of their coaching programmes. We thought you might like an opportunity to listen to our response.
Would You Like A Record Sales Month?
Are you looking to drive sales? Would you like to achieve an 11 x ROI that includes a record sales month, new clients, new business sales, better negotiation, more effective meetings and a more focused sales team?
Download our sales case study to find out how one of our clients achieved all this and so much more... and imagine what would happen if your sales team were supercharged to achieve this too!
Survey Results - How has Covid affected your Training Budgets?
In our recent survey, we asked you to tell us how Covid has affected your training budgets.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We've summarised the results for you in this 2-page infographic.
Coaching Supervision - How to look after the people looking after you
Are your internal coaches getting the support they need? Find out how to look after the people looking after you...
How To Keep Your Staff Motivated In Challenging Situations
According to our recent survey the number one challenge facing leaders and managers, right now, is keeping their team motivated.
What are you doing to motivate your team? Are you finding it challenging? Has the crisis made it even more difficult for you to motivate people?
Read our infographic for some ideas on how to motivate your team
eLearning - Who's Taking Accountability?
The eLearning industry is expected to triple its size from 2020 to 2025, but with 81% of eLearning being self-managed, how prepared are you to take accountability for your learning?
Read our article to find out how our simple 3EL Model of eLearning Accountability can help you to engage learners in their own learning
BONUS: Free ‘How to Make eLearning work’ white paper included.
Are You getting Empowerment Wrong?
If you’re not getting the results you’d like from your team, read our article to find out what you can do to quickly turn this around.
How to Fight VUCA with VUCA
VUCA is an unavoidable acronym which is used to describe the increasingly unpredictable conditions all organisations face today. We’re pretty sure VUCA is already on your radar but what are you doing to counteract its impact?
Listen to our Managing Director, Dominic Ashley-Timms, talk through how you can fight VUCA with VUCA in this short 90-second video
Podcast: Improving Team Performance through Coaching
We recently delivered our extremely popular webinar: Coaching the Team - Improving Team Performance through Coaching. There was much interest in the topic and lots of questions too. If you were unable to attend the webinar, we thought you might like an opportunity to listen to some of the questions your peers asked and Dominic's responses.
Play this 15-minute audio now.
7 Qualities that all Change Leaders Need
Whatever your discipline, sector, or wherever you are in the world, no-one is immune to the sheer pace and scale of change which has been accelerated by the coronavirus crisis. So what does this mean for Change Leaders?
In this 3-minute video Notion’s Managing Director, Dominic Ashley-Timms, talks through 7 qualities that all Change Leaders need to enable and engage others through change.
What To Do When Your Feedback Goes In One Ear and Out The Other
Watch this 1-minute video and learn how to drive performance by giving high quality, encouraging and fair feedback in a way that is received openly and positively.
New Normal - 9 Success Factors for Living in a Rapidly Changing World
Change is the new status quo so we better get used to it.
We can no longer rely on what worked for us in the past because it simply won’t be relevant in the future. Watch this short video about how to reduce anxiety through change and decide what actions you need to take to help people emotionally navigate change.What Have You Done to Equip Your Managers for this New Reality?
Since the beginning of this pandemic we’ve seen monumental changes to the way we work, but what have you done to equip your managers for this new reality? This is more important than ever as we start to adapt to the new reality.
Read our latest article to find out whether you are equipping your managers with the right support that they will so crucially need.
The Power of Tiny Goals - In Just One Minute!
At times like these when everything is in flux and the future is cloudier than ever, it can be all too easy to become overwhelmed by the size of the challenge ahead of us.
Watch our video to discover how to use 'tiny goals' to move you past overwhelm and closer to your goals..
It's Time to Start Thinking about the 'New Normal'
As lockdown restrictions begin to loosen, are you starting to think about what the ‘new normal’ will mean for you and your organisation?
Read our article to find out what you could expect and how you can prepare..
Working through the Change Curve - Where are You Now?
Change. We’re all living through it now, aren’t we?
We all thought we knew what change was and then the Coronavirus happened and we saw for the first time a seismic shift that we’d never seen before.
So where are you on the change curve...?
The Power of Positivity
At times like this, while we’re all reeling from the unprecedented events caused by the Coronavirus, it can be difficult to stay positive.
Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
Must-See Video for Managers to Help You Through Change
Asking powerful questions helps to move people through the change process and cope better with change.
Watch the video and discover some great questions to ask to support your colleagues and friends.
What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The year 2020 is turning out to be an interesting one: bushfires, floods, Brexit, impeachment trials, stock market crashes and of course the current coronavirus pandemic.
And now, just when we’re all thinking nothing else could possibly go wrong...
How To Reduce Anxiety in the Face of Change
If there’s one thing that binds us all, it’s the staggering pace of change that we’re all having to deal with at the moment. As human beings caught up in this change, our response can often be one of stress, dis-engagement or resignation.
Watch this short video, and discover ways in which you can reduce the negative impact of change.

Two Simple Steps to Dramatically Improve Engagement
Did you know that 85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work?
Discover the Two Simple Steps you can take right now to dramatically increase engagement in your team.

Solve Your Biggest Problem in 2 Minutes - Starting Now!
What’s keeping you up at night? What problem is getting in your way? What decision do you have to make?
Whatever the problem, we can help you find the solutions that will help you.
Watch this two-minute video NOW

How Often Do You Do It?
Click here to discover the full survey results and learn how often people are engaging in performance management conversations.
The results might shock you!

Urgent all Managers: You Must Acquire This Post-Brexit Skill Before It’s Too Late
Whether Brexit Day has left you feeling ecstatic or cold through to the bone, after 47 years of EU membership, one thing is for certain: how we do business is going to change, and to survive, we need to learn how to change too.
Read the article to discover if you have the one skill you need to survive post-Brexit.

Do you Hate your Job?
If you’re suffering from the New Year blues, click to read our article before you throw in the towel.

How to Take Control of your Career
Answer this for me: If you could do anything right now to improve your career, what would it be?
This is no Ordinary Coaching Programme
“Bloody Brilliant!” is how it was summed up by one delegate last week.
Read our article to find out why Notion’s AIC® is like no other accredited coaching programme on the market.
Simply click the image to read the article
7 Really Good Reasons Why You Should Get An Executive Coach
There are lots of reasons why people may choose to work with an executive coach, however, common themes always emerge.
Is executive coaching right for you?
Simply click the image to read the article
CPD as Easy as ABC
Do you know your ABC?For all you continuous learners out there, here’s some of our ABC’s of CPD to help you on your way to becoming amazing coaches - and staying that way!
Read our article to learn the ABC
12 Reasons Why You Should NOT Join Notion’s AIC® Programme
Are you using one of these excuses to stop you from joining Notion’s AIC® programme?Read our article and let our alumni delegates put your mind at ease.
Ditch Your Command and Control
Attention! Eyes Front!
Only joking, Stand at Ease...and read our article to find out why you should ditch command and control once and for all.
Don’t Wait For A Superhero To Save The Day
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s...
Read our article to find out who the real superheroes are in your organisation - and how you can become one too. Are you ready to save the day?
L&D - Shut Up and Listen
How much time do you spend listening?
Listening is a notoriously difficult skill to get right but one that you will need to master if you want to build a learning culture with high levels of learner engagement and learner accountability.
Want to become a better listener? Simply read our article to find out how.
Internal Coaching - Are you Relying on Blind Faith?
Do you know what ROI you get from your Internal Coaching Programmes? Or are you relying on blind faith?
If you want to get more from your Internal Coaching programmes, read our eye-opening article.
6 Ways You Can Use Executive Coaching to Get Results
Are you using executive coaching in the best possible way for your organisation?
Read our article to find out 6 ways you can use executive coaching to get results.
How To Break Through Your Career Ceiling
Where are you in your career and are you ready to break through to the next level?
Read our article to find out how to keep your career on track.
The Seminar Series that will Revitalise Wellbeing, Health and Happiness
Don’t worry be happy!Stop worrying about wellbeing and read our article to find out what you can do to revitalise health and happiness at work.
Are L&D Teams at Risk of Extinction?
Is your L&D team at risk of extinction? Do they have the skills they need to survive?
If you want to find out how to help your L&D team to thrive in the future, simply click the image to read our article.
It Will Take More than a Sticking Plaster to Fix the Wellbeing Issue
Do you want to fix the wellbeing issue in your organisation?
In our latest article, we talk about why it’s time to rip off the sticking plaster and get to the heart of the matter.
If you want to find out how to create a healthier and happier culture that enables wellbeing to thrive simply click the image to read our article.
5 Key Questions That Will Accelerate Career Progression
“No-one is more invested in your career than YOU.”
People who over-rely on others to manage their careers for them are limiting what they can achieve. Those who really want to accelerate their career will reap rewards with a much more proactive, pragmatic and reflective approach, which can be achieved by keeping 5 questions in mind at those critical progression points.
Simply click the image to read more.
Webinar Invitation: Why the GROW Model is Groaning
It would be reasonable to expect because of the huge interest in coaching programmes and the thousands of people undertaking coach training, that our modern organisations are awash with highly effective coaching cultures. However, according to our coaching poll of over 700 organisations worldwide, despite the ongoing investment in coaching, a shockingly low 3% of organisations describe their prevailing leadership approach as being ‘very much a coaching style’. Even just a passing glance at our poll results is enough to raise an eyebrow or two - something isn’t working...
Simply click the image to read more.
Don't Lose Your Top Talent Over This
Returning to work after a period of leave is sometimes a difficult and unsettling time for people without the right support.
If you don’t want to lose your top talent over this, read our latest article.
Simply click on the image to read more.
What can organisations do to upskill their HR teams and why should they bother?
The CIPD’s New Profession Map calls for people professionals to develop new skills.
Does your HR team have the right skills? If not, what are you doing to upskill your HR team?
Simply click the image to read the article or give us a call if you’d like to find out more.