We’re always delighted when we hear stories from learners about how our programmes are having a positive effect on their success at work (and home).

So, to put a smile on your face, we thought we’d start sharing them with you too.

Scroll down to read the successes below... or click the button to read some STAR® successes

Success of the Week

Kerry Fry from Mitchells & Butlers has just completed her ILM7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring with flying colours.

...and we wanted to give her a special congratulations as she’s achieved the HIGHEST PASS RATE of all of our Level 7 learners, ever! We’ve had some incredible coaches come through our ILM level 7 qualification over the last decade, so this is a particularly awesome achievement. Congratulations Kerry.

Click play to hear Kerry talking about her experience in her own words...