What is Business Coaching?

Business Coaching can help you, the Managing Director, Business Owner or Senior Executive, set better goalsreach your goals faster, make better decisions and improve your relationships.

Business Coaching is about the future: discovering your potential and achieving it – fast. As we know, from doing it with hundreds of our clients for many years!

Click here to get your complimentary copy of

'The Truth about Business Coaching'.

Discover the criteria and questions you should ask a Coach before deciding who to work with, and also understand how a professional coaching relationship should work.

... but what is it?

As our Coaching is a bespoke intervention, it is very difficult to say exactly what it involves as it would be a different experience for everyone reading this. However, below are some of the specific benefits that our clients (or any MD or Business Owner) would gain from working with us.

7 Reasons why all Business Owners should consider Business Coaching:

  1. Because you are already good and recognise that it’s going to take that bit extra to become Outstanding! - In the same way that top sportsmen and women will always seek out the top coaches in their field, you too need a Notion Business Coach. We will hold you accountable, demand results, push you, cajole you and also be there to congratulate you on a job well done!
  2. You feel that you are married to your business and that it demands working all hours - If you are ready to start taking control of the hours that you contribute to the business and get better results then you should consider Business Coaching.
  3. Your business does not generate enough profit to justify your efforts - If you want to continue doing what you have always done it should come as no surprise that you will get the same results. Our Coaches will challenge this and get you focused on taking actions that grow profits and allow you to work on driving your business forward. It will involve change, so you need to be open to this for it to be successful. The results could literally be to increase your revenues and profits within months of starting the programme.
  4. You believe that the business will suffer if you are not there all the time; taking a holiday is out of the question - Unless your business can run without your being there every day, then it might come as a shock to some to learn that you are, in reality, an employee of the business not a REAL Business Owner. Your Coach will help you to put in the business processes and to develop your management team so that the business will thrive whether or not you feel like going to work today. Long holidays and time spent improving your golf handicap all, suddenly, become a reality. Life is short. Why are you in the business at all?
  5. You have fallen out of love with your business - Do you sometimes think life would be simpler without all the hassle? Your Business Coach will reignite your passions and help you redevelop your visions and goals for the Business.
  6. You have a lot of business experience, however you haven’t really invested in yourself in years - You may send your staff on training courses but your own requirements have moved beyond generic training. As a result, you have neglected yourself. Investing in Notion's Coaching is not a personal indulgence. Your Coach will work with you to improve specific aspects of your own performance and provide one-to-one support and motivation to achieve and build upon the improvements. The relationship between you and your Business Coach ensures swift and maximum impact on yours and the businesses performance providing a measurable ROI.
  7. You have lost sight of where the business is going and why - As an “outsider” your Coach can see the wood from the trees. We are not blinded by industry preconceptions or your businesses previous way of doing things - “we’ve always done it this way” does not cut the mustard with us! We will ask you the difficult questions you have been avoiding and challenge you to take action.

Watch the video to hear why Eric Schmidt, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Google, believes all business people should have a business coach...

TAKE ACTION NOW - Book a Free Business Coaching Consultation with one of our expert Coaches or Contact Us for more information.

Some Additional Benefits of Business Coaching….

For a lot of people being a Business Owner can be a lonely job - one of the many roles your Notion Coach plays is that of a sounding board and a confidant, someone who genuinely cares about the issues you face and is there to help you find solutions to the problems quickly and effectively. It may not be their main function, but it is an invaluable one.

Business Coaching is often the favoured route of Business Owners and Managing Directors because it is considerably more time efficient and effective than any other intervention. It is individually tailored to your needs and entirely outcome focused.

How is Business Coaching Different to other Popular Interventions?

This simple matrix is another way to understand the relationship between Business Coaching and other popular interventions, in relation to both Personal content and Business Focus.

Interventions Chart to show Business Coaching in relation to other popular interventions Laura Ashley-Timms and Martin Goodyer © 2007

4 things Business Coaching is not…

Business Coaching often gets confused with other better know interventions, namely:

  • Training
  • Consultancy
  • Counselling
  • Life Coaching

Business Coaching is NOT...

Training provides off the shelf information on what you need to do or how you need to do something and stops there

Consultancy brings in expertise, normally for a specific project or to identify a specific problem and then ideally goes in to fix it. At the end of this process the consultant leaves. Any accumulated knowledge or insights go with them.

Counselling looks back in time to address specific personal problems by providing an opportunity to lend voice to and explore concerns and issues

Life Coaching focuses on the clients personal goals and aspirations and does not cover Business processes or Business growth

Marshmallow Creative and Notion have proved to be a scrumptious combination! Taking action and seizing an opportunity are now part of my daily to-do list. Working with Laura has changed the way I think as a business leader enabling me to put plans in place which take both myself and the Marshmallow brand to the next level - thank you Laura!

Michelle Sommerville, MD Marshmallow Creative

Business Coaching is unique to all of the above. It is almost impossible to capture what it is in a sound bite, however, here is our best attempt:


  • Business Coaching Is a bespoke one to one programme aimed specifically at accelerating the success of the individual (and business) engaging in the process.
  • Your Coach supports you and encourages you to deliver higher performance. Getting you to FOCUS on what is fundamental and most importantly, take consistent ACTION towards your goals
  • Business Coaching drives you to achieve more in less time and supports you to grow your business and simultaneously improve your overall life
  • Tools, Knowledge and Skills are developed by the business owner so that he/she can implement them in the business (and in his/her life) for his immediate and long term success.

Find out more

If you are serious about yourself and your business you could:

Or you could:–

Or, of course, you could do nothing.  If you carry on doing what you have always done you WILL get the same results you have always got!!

The choice is yours…

Why not contact us now? We look forward to hearing from you.

Something to think about

“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their full potential.”
Bob Nardelli, CEO, Home Depot

“Many of the world’s most admired corporations, from GE to Goldman Sachs, invest in coaching. Annual spending on coaching in the U.S. is estimated at roughly $1 billion."
Harvard Business Review