We always love receiving great feedback from our clients but this video from Helen at Costa Coffee, following her Operational Coaching® Practitioner (OCP®) programme, just filled us with joy and happiness.

And at the moment, more than ever, we need things to put a smile on our faces and help us to keep going through these unprecedented times.

I dare you to watch this video and not raise a smile or a chuckle!

Your positivity and energy are infectious, Helen. Thank you.

Watch Helen now.

Click Play to SMILE 

for 20 seconds

The Operational Coaching® Practitioner (OCP®) is one of our most popular workshops and was the inspiration behind the award winning STAR® Manager Programme. Both the OCP® and STAR® programmes can come with a Level 5 Qualification.  

If you'd like to learn more about either format of this programme simply click one of the buttons below or call us on +44 (0)1926 889885 and we’ll be delighted to have an informal chat.